Journalism education and tips for journalists

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

mindre reglering av reklam (no surprise)

I ett tal till European Media Leaders Summit 2004 idag sade Viviane Reding - kommisionär för Informationssamhälle och media - att det behövs mindre reglering av reklam i både bigitala och analoga medier.

Hon sade bl-a:

I would like to be clear on this issue. My staff are analysing the need for a coherent regulation of any form of delivery of audiovisual content. This is the logical consequence if we want to apply technological neutrality in our regulatory approach, and it is essential to guarantee a level playing field between new and old content providers. But this does not mean more regulation in an overall perspective. It might be necessary to cover more modes of delivery of audiovisual content, but the regulatory regime as a whole could be lighter. The proposal for a draft Directive I will present to the Commission next year is likely to be less detailed as regards quantitative rules for advertising. And I think it might even be conceivable to limit to primary broadcasters some of the obligations that the TVWF Directive today establishes for all broadcasters. Primary broadcasters could be defined by the impact they have on the market and on society.

Det sista är viktigt. Det skulle strama upp möjligheter för public service (som ofta är "primary broadcasters") att vias reklam eller skaffa sponsorer (ja, jag vet att det anses oacceptabel av många att public-service i Sverige gör så, men så är inte fallet i andra länder) samtidigt som det skulle då släppa de kommersiella krafterna än friare.
Håll ett öga på detta.


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