Journalism education and tips for journalists

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Freedom of Information implementation (UK)

Den britiska "Freedom of Information Act 2000" ska implimenteras i January 2005.
En rapport om problem/möjligheter förrelägger nu och kan vara av intresse for journalister och andra som vill hämta hem information från UK.

Några punkter i rapporten:

  • Public authorities have already been required to issue publication schemes, listing information which they already make publicly available
  • Fees regulations are expected in December, which will make most requests free (appart from possible disbursement costs). Only requests which take up to £450 of time to answer will be subject to a charge (£600 for government departments)
  • Public authorities normally have 20 working days to respond to a request, which must be in writing (including emails)


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